Friday, September 28, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mug rugs for United Way!

The annual at work United Way drive is approaching. Each year our receptionist plans a silent auction as one of the activities to increase donations and boost interest. Playing around in the past couple of days I made these Thanksgiving themed Mug Rugs - I figured for a donation of a few bucks, maybe three folks are interested in decorating their desks with these through November.....

Monday, September 3, 2012

Hex marks the Spot!

Fall 2012 Quilts and More magazine by BHG, had this "Hex marks the Spot" project on the cover.  (Project instructions page 54).  The difference with mine is, it's sewn and embroidered entirely on the machine.  (Embroidery patterns from Embroidery Library and the Hex patches were cut using my Accuquilt Go! )

Mug rugs

Recently I became intrigued by "mug rugs" I saw online and in magazines.  If you do not know, mug rugs are simply a small placemat to place a mug and a "treat" on.  While playing around with some scraps and trying to create my own "in the hoop" quilt block, I started, but never finished two placemats out of Halloween material.  I just love Halloween!  They never got any bigger than about 7 x 10 inches - too small for much of anything.  So, finally I turned them into two "mug rugs".  One I have on my desk at work and the other I gave to a co-worker.  She loved it (she also Loves Halloween!).

I'm going to try to make a few more mug rugs for our office United Way "auction" in October.